Water & Storm Water Management

As a steward of nature, we continue to measure our commitment and resolve to protect and serve our employees’ and business operating environments. In conformance with our C.S.R. and E.S.G., our employees stand by us under the following principles. We will work together:

We offer qualified instructors with great experiences and the best instructional and exceptional services for best management practices (B.M.P.s) in stormwater management.

Our staff are professionals and knowledgeable in conducting an environmental audit, compliance review, inspection, and reporting.

 We will ensure that the best management practices and procedures listed in the plan are followed during the construction activities. Also, we can provide corrective actions as needed and where applicable.

We are ready to assist in developing solutions to any water and stormwater management or other environmental issues.

Stormwater management is one of the most significant challenges facing infrastructure developers, builders, contractors, stormwater management agencies, and municipal governments. It is imperative that site developers properly contain construction externalities such as debris, sediments, contaminants, and surface runoff to meet environmental regulations while creating projects.

Erosion and sediment controls are severe problems in construction sites and must be stopped before construction begins, not during or after construction. Hence major construction sites require permits and Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP).

There are two types of stormwater permits for covered development projects: Stormwater Construction Permits for all covered development projects and Stormwater Maintenance Permits for projects requiring post-construction S.M.P.s.

Compliance with the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan SWPPP/SWMP is nonnegotiable. Failure to comply may result in thousands of dollars in penalties, bad press, and stop-work orders at the job site.

The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits require that “Qualified Personnel” conduct stormwater inspections. We review compliance requirements and provide consultation and up-to-date training in stormwater management in conformance with the national stormwater management requirement for SWPPP/SWMP. 

The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is a construction site-specific required storm management plan. It is a written document prepared and signed by a developing company executive that identifies all the construction activities and conditions at their development site that could cause erosion and water pollution problems. It also details the necessary steps the company and the contractor at the job site will take to prevent and manage stormwater runoff, discharge from a construction site, and avoid pollution before, during, and after completion of the project.

The SWMP assists and guides the development and implementation of a solid waste management program by establishing actions that need to be taken and setting the criteria for decision-making.