Energy Power and Light

The business of energy makes the Energy business more Energetic. At Black Crystal Energy, we put more energy into our business by providing electricity and clean water using multiple energy sources worldwide.

Our goal is to provide and deliver energy resources in electrical power with the ultimate sustainable distribution of lights to homes and industries. Also, we must maintain and preserve a sustainable economic position in the various energy markets as producers, distributors, and friends of the environment and active partners of the energy industry.

Our diverse, multicultural background and operations in the various energy sectors also assist in preserving our business integrity and performance records.

Our company emphasizes the significance of renewable and nonrenewable energy resources, their development, and potential for sustainability, especially electrical power and sustainable distribution of utilizable lights at home and in the industries. The primary differences between renewable and nonrenewable energy resources are more apparent than light and day. Importantly, renewable energy is an everlasting and replenishable form of energy. The nonrenewable is depletable and cannot be recovered or used again once used up.

The energy industry is a dynamic, constantly changing, and unstable industry with fluid global markets. These attributes of the sector make the production and delivery of electrical power and light more transparent and more manageable. The ease of managing the energy sector is also partly due to the government’s constructive regulatory environment. The regulation allows energy power and light providers to produce and deliver these significant (renewable and nonrenewable) resources to the customers at a competitive cost with better understanding  where-by the customers ultimately benefit from government deregulation of the energy sector not suffer from it

We plan to continue making a difference by providing Combine Water and Electrical Power Plants to serve the people. 

As we continue to bring renewable energy options and energy-efficient solutions to our global customers, we currently seek water production concessions and contracts worldwide.  We have a proposal to design, build and operate one of Africa’s most giant saltwater R.O. membrane desalination plants.

Desalination is a water purification process that converts brackish and or saltwater bodies to fresh potable water suitable for domestic human consumption, irrigation, and industrial or commercial uses where fresh water is not readily available.

This project combines water and electrical power plants by providing electricity and sustainable drinking water from a diverse source, such as the seawater of the Atlantic Ocean, using desalination technology and renewable energy sources.

We plan to build a dual project consisting of two unique energy plants. One is a standalone R.O. membrane water desalination plant. The second is a gas-fired cogeneration electrical power plant facility, with an array of electrical generating windmills and solar panels on a nearby farm, a supplementary energy source for the water desalination plant station.

We are seizing the potential for electric power generation using alternative energy sources such as wind, solar-photovoltaic, geothermal, solar-thermal, ocean, and other renewable sources. These renewable sources show the most promise for initial commercial deployment and could substantially contribute to global energy if adequately utilized. 

The water flow across the desalination membrane can also build up additional pressure on one side to drive turbines and generate electrical power. The possibilities for combine water and electrical power plant using green energy power is endless. Saltwater desalination in combination with a solar,  wind, or gas turbine-driven electrical cogeneration power plant for a large commercial project such as this is uncommon. It will not only be the most under-exploited and underutilized multiple source of green energy but the first of its kind in the industry.

The electrical power infrastructures generate a minimum of 1000 MW to a maximum of 3500 MW of gross electrical power output. The water desalination plant’s production output or capacity will generate an estimated 150 to 350 million gallons per day of processed drinkable water.

The electrical generating power plant will reuse the processed or wastewater for its cooling systems. Some electrical power generating plants operate by boiling water to produce steam, then passing through a turbine. These electrical power generating plants use arrays of solar panels, or natural gas turbine-driven, while others burn coal, biomass, or use nuclear facilities.